Irish and Language Snobs / Gaeilge agus Baothghalántacht Teanga
A chara, – It’s a delight to read Una Mullally’s view of the Irish
language (“Irish – A language for all speakers”, Monday March 17th),
coming as it does from a fluent urban speaker. She’s absolutely right to
note that we need to start looking outside the Gaeltacht if we’re
serious about achieving the 250,000 daily speakers sought by the
Government by 2030. I fly in the face of conventional wisdom in my
belief that this number is very possible, but it can only be done if
non-Gaeltacht Irish speakers begin to shoulder the burden that Gaeltacht
people have been predominantly carrying since the foundation of the
State – using the language at home.
Ms Mullally is right to note that snobbery
exists within the language, but should go a little easier on Gaeltacht
people. Yes, there is a certain Gaeltacht hostility towards “46A Irish”
and the dialect of the urban Gaelscoil, but it is there firstly because
of the difficulty Gaeltacht people have speaking Irish with city folk,
whose Irish is often a non-fluent schoolroom mishmash, but secondly
because there is the whiff of the language hobbyist about many urban
speakers. They’re delighted to “come down” to the Gaeltacht and practise
their Irish on the natives, but when they go home, it’s back to English
again. Native speakers are rightly annoyed by this. City speakers of
Irish will earn respect when it becomes clear that they are using Irish
as a home language with their children, not just for one-night-a-week
hobbyism or for the day job.
When this happens (and I think it will), that 250,000 daily-speaker figure will rapidly become achievable. Is mise,
Department of English,
William Paterson University
New Jersey
Labels: 250000, An Ghaeilge, City Irish, gaeilge, Gaeilge Uirbeach, Gaeltacht, Irish language, Snobbery, Snobs, Straitéis, Una Mullally