M'alt faoin Ghaeilge san Irish Times Dé Sathairn
D'fhoilsigh mé
alt san Irish Times Dé Sathairn seo caite faoi chanúint chathrach na Gaeilge agus an chaoi ina bhfuil sí ag scarúint ó chanúintí na Gaeltachta.
I published
an article in the Irish Times on Saturday studying how the urban dialect of Irish is diverging from the Gaeltacht dialects.
Labels: Irish Language Urban Dialect Gaeltacht Schism Linguistics Raidió na Life Raidió Fáilte Raidió na Gaeltachta
Ganglo-Saxon England - The Truth about Beowulf
I guess this makes
Beowulf a
"Gangland bling" - Historian David Starkey describing a hoard of Anglo-Saxon gold and silver artefacts.
Mr Starkey was speaking at the launch of a public appeal on Wednesday to raise £3.3m to keep the ornate objects - found in a field in Staffordshire last year - in the Midlands and in public hands. "This is the Rolex watch and gold chains of a gang leader," he said.